Hi there! I am Sergio Dosal, a Barcelona-based freelance illustrator.
I grew up in Asturias, where I used to draw on the paper tablecloths and walls at my parents’ restaurant. In high school, I almost failed because of drawing during classes.

After studying acting at university, in 2019 I moved to London to work in theatre direction. On my way to work, I used to draw the people on the tube.

After the pandemic, I moved to Barcelona and started to work as a professional freelance illustrator.

I like to play with shapes, colours and figures, and distort reality to transform it into a brighter, exaggerated and funnier version of itself.

Selected Clients: L’Oréal Groupe, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Pull and Bear, Cosmo TV, Filmin, Santa Living and Puru Remangu among others.

If you have questions, projects or ideas you think I could fit into, you can contact me at sergiomdosal@gmail.com

If you want to, you can also follow me on instagram or add me on LinkedIn

See you! :·)

©️2022 sergio dosal